HON. KADI ADAMU KUNA JIBRIN- Was born on 1 October, 1961, hails from Kwami local Government he started his early education from Qura’anic Islamiya School and Gadam primary School, Gadam from1970 to 1978 then Government Arabic Teacher’s college, Gombe from 1979 to 1983, he proceed to Bayero University, Kano from 1987 to 1991 and Nigerian law school, Lagos 1993.
Kadi Kuna stated his working career as a Class Teacher with Gombe Local Education Authority in 1984 after his graduation from University he later stated his private legal practice from 1998 to 2021. His lordship was appointed as Kadi Sharia Court of Appeal on 11 October, 2021
He lordship served in various legal committee and attendants many seminar/ workshops and conferences