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Gombe State Government


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Gombe State Governor, Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, CON has proposed the sum of Two Hundred and Seven Billion, Seven Hundred and Fifty Million and Two Hundred Thousand Naira (207,750,200,00.00) for 2024 fiscal year.

The AppropriationBill, tagged “Budget of Continuity and Consolidation”, is made up of N87,250,200,000.00 for recurrent expenditure, representing 42%, and N120,500,000,000.00 for capital expenditure, representing 58% of the total budgeted sum.

Presenting the document before the State House of Assembly, Governor Inuwa Yahaya said the budget is geared towards consolidating on the gains of his first term achievements

He explained that his administration envisaged to generate the sum of N121,911,945,500.00 as recurrent revenues, and the sum of N138,911,745,500.00 as capital receipts, with estimated closing balance for year 2023 expected to hover around N18,411,745,500.00.

He said in a bit to fast track the implementation of the expenditure plan for the year 2024, the Economic Sector will be allocated the sum of N89,581,200,000.00, the

Social Sector N23,612,500,000.00,General Administration N4,879,500,000.00 while

Law and Justice is to get N2,426,800,000.00.

The Gombe State Governor revealed that under the economic sector, sub sectors like Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperatives, Trade, Industries and Tourism, Land administration, Works Housing and Transport as well Water, Environment and Forest Resources are among major areas his administration hopes to consolidate on existing gains.

In respect to the social sector, the Governor identified Basic and Higher Education, Health, Youths and Sports Development, Women Affairs and Social Development, Local Government and Community Development, Internal Security and Home Affairs as well as Information, Culture and Ethical Orientation as areas of interest in the 2024 budget.

The breakdown of the allocations to each sector in the proposed 2024 budget is as follows: Agriculture, Livestock and Co-operatives: N7,366,000,000.00, Trade, Industry and Tourism: N3,510,000,000.00, Works, Housing and Transport: N50,962,500,000.00, Land Administration: N1,980,000,000.00, Water Resources, Environment and Forest Resources: N18,365,600,000.00, Science, Technology and Innovation: N169,100,000.00.

Others are: Education: N8,103,800,500.00,

Higher Education: N5,768,000,000.00, Health: N5,953,200,500.00, Youth and Sports Development: N2,460,000,000.00, Women Affairs and Social Development: N1,197,500,000.00, Local Government and Community Development: N130,000,000.00, Internal Security and Home Affairs: N550,000,000.00, Information, Culture and Ethical Orientation: N805,000,000.00, General Administration: N3,879,500,000.00, Law And Justice:N2,426,800,000.00.

These allocations represent the specific financial commitments planned for each sector to drive development, address key challenges, and enhance the quality of life for the people of Gombe State.

Governor Inuwa Yahaya recalled that his administration’s commitment to fiscal responsibility did not go unnoticed, as the State was ranked 7th out of the 36 States and 3rd out of the 19 Northern States on the 2020 Fiscal Performance Index as well as 11th out of the 36 States in the 2021 Transparency and Integrity Index conducted by the Centre for Fiscal Transparency and Integrity Watch (CoFIW).

He assured members of the State House of Assembly and the entire people of the State that the 2024 budget is rooted in the principles of fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability.

The Governor remarked that his administration is committed to ensuring that every naira allocated is judiciously spent, and the outcomes felt by the citizens of the state.

He said the 2024 budget, being the first in his second term of four years, is coming at a time of great uncertainties and challenges, both locally and globally, stressing that the Appropriation Bill is crafted with a keen understanding of local, national and global economic realities in order to develop and implement policies and programs that are strategic, forward-looking and people-oriented.

Responding after the laying of the budget at the hallowed chamber, the Speaker, Gombe State House of Assembly, Rt. Honourable Mohammed Abubakar Luggerewo assured of proper scrutiny and speedy passage of the proposal to allow the governor effectively implement all the development policies and projects in the year 2024.

“The House will exhibit more commitment for the proper scrutiny and speedy passage of the 2024 budget, because we are highly satisfied with your commitment, prudence and deligence in managing public funds in the state as well as adherence to financial regulations in the 2023 budget”, he remarked.

The speaker also appreciated Governor Inuwa Yahya’s transformational drive which turns Gombe to a model. He particularly extolled the governor’s achievements in infrastructural development, water supply, revitalisation and constructions of new hospitals, schools, among others, saying as people’s representatives, these projects have impacted positively on the lives of their constituents.