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…Appreciates Them for Their Meritorious Service to Gombe State

…Says ‘LG Election Will Hold In No Distant Time’

Gombe State Governor, Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya CON (Dan Majen Gombe), has hosted a valedictory banquet in honour of the immediate past Caretaker Chairmen of the 11 Local Government Councils of Gombe.

The event was organized to celebrate the invaluable contributions and meritorious service of the ex- local government helmsmen.

During the event which held on Sunday at the Banquet Hall of the Government House Gombe, the Governor expressed his gratitude to the outgoing Caretaker Chairmen, acknowledging

the vital roles they played in advancing the welfare, development and progress of their respective local government areas and the state at large.

“Let me express my gratitude to the outgoing Caretaker Chairmen for their dedicated service to both their local governments and the state at large throughout their tenure. Their services have significantly contributed to improving the lives of their people, in line with our administration’s objectives. Today, we gather to bid them farewell and extend our heartfelt appreciation for the positive impact they have made during their time in office”, the Governor said.

He added that, “Allow me to reflect on our shared journey with these gentlemen. Upon assuming office in May 2019, we inherited a practice of borrowing over 1 billion naira to pay the salary of civil servants in local governments. However, with the support of our local government chairmen, we implemented measures to discontinue that practice and have successfully sustained it to date. As I speak today, these local governments have over 6 billion naira in their accounts. The outgoing local government Chairmen have a share of the credit for this achievement because they exhibited steadfastness in supporting and upholding our commitment”, the Governor added.

Governor Inuwa further said he would continue to work very closely with the former local government caretaker Chairmen being relevant stakeholders and members of the APC big family in ensuring sustained development and progress of Gombe state, while assuring that in no distant time election would be conducted to elect new Chairmen, to promote the democratic process in the state.

“As your tenure ends today, it does not mark the end of your commendable service to the people. Recognizing your significance as stakeholders, I am committed to maintaining a close collaboration with you as fellow members of the APC family. Together and with your continued support, we will continue to deliver effective leadership to the people of Gombe State”, Governor Inuwa Yahaya said.

“I would like to emphasize our readiness to conduct local government elections to provide the citizens with the opportunity to elect new local government chairmen. Our commitment is to establish a fair and level playing field for all political parties to uphold the fundamental principles of democracy”, the Governor assured.

Earlier in his opening remarks, the Commissioner for Local Government and Community Development, Muhammad Abdulkadir Malle, described the outgoing chairmen as a ‘formidable team’, acknowledging their substantial contributions in realizing the vision and goals set by the Inuwa-led administration as it aspires to make Gombe state an exemplary model.

Speaking on behalf of the outgoing LG helmsmen, Hon. Abubakar Usman Barambu, expressed the appreciation to Governor Inuwa Yahaya for giving them the opportunity to lead their respective local governments as Chairmen for 3 years, assuring him of their continued support to his administration and his course.

In honor of the late ALGON Chairman and chairman of Gombe local Governor, Hon. Aliyu Usman Haruna (Ali Ashaka), prayers were offered, and a moment of silence was observed.

The event was graced by the Deputy Governor, Dr Mannasah Daniel Jatau, former Deputy governors Charles Iliya and Sen Joshua Lidani, Speaker, Gombe State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Mohammed Abubakar Luggerewo, Secretary to the State Government, Professor Ibrahim Abubakar Njodi, Chief Judge of Gombe state, Grand Khadi (who were represented), Head of Service, Commissioners, Heads of Agencies and Parastatals, Heads of Security Agencies, traditional rulers among other dignitaries.

Highlight of the event was the presentation of Awards of Excellence by Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya to the outgoing caretaker chairmen in appreciation of their meritorious services.